maryam hadden

Maryam N. Hadden


Maryam Hadden is a partner with Parlatore Law Group, who brings a solid track record of more than twenty-five years of litigation work and courtroom success for her clients. Her practice area concentrations are investigations, white collar litigation, appellate work, and civil litigation. Additionally, she is particularly well-versed in the field of DNA evidence and analysis, including its usage in criminal cases. She has argued many cases before the Appellate Division, Second Department, in the state of New York. She is known as a zealous advocate and thorough researcher who has established strong relationships with both the defense and prosecution bar.

Ms. Hadden’s legal experience spans more than 24 years as a prosecutor, with several years of experience training and educating younger lawyers. She has lectured extensively on DNA and its use in litigation and has trained dozens of attorneys as litigators. She does not believe that every case should end in a courtroom and aims to help her clients stay out of court if possible.  She works tirelessly to negotiate dispositions when trial is not in the best interest of either party, but she is ready and able if litigation is necessary. Since joining Parlatore Law Group in 2019, Ms. Hadden has handled a variety of complex criminal and civil matters while always keeping her clients’ best interests front and center regardless of the size or complexity of the case.

In addition to her legal work, Ms. Hadden stays active in her community and in her children’s schools, which is made possible through the benefits of working with a cloud-based firm. Ms. Hadden lives near Asheville, NC, with her children and what feels like a small zoo of dogs, cats and bunnies.  She is delighted to have given up shoveling snow in the winters of the Northeast .

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