Innovative, efficient, cloud based. Parlatore Law Group provides it’s partners the freedom and autonomy to represent clients they believe in.
Priorities for lawyers are changing and we are at the forefront, placing greater value than ever before on technological advancements, healthy work culture and diversity. Our cloud-based business model allows our lawyers to achieve a more productive and satisfying work environment. Because physical location is not a limiting factor, we are able to hire the best attorneys from around the world, allowing them the opportunity to earn more, while billing less, and without sacrificing the quality of their work.
To attract top talent, our workplace culture is constantly evolving to reflect the needs and desires of our partners. Benefits of working at Parlatore Law Group include increased compensation by retaining a larger percentage of billable revenue versus that of a traditional firm, freedom and flexibility to work from any location, no minimum billable hours, equity-recruiting bonus, and a better quality of life. We offer these benefits and more to motivated and capable attorneys with the top legal talent, experience and knowledge. We also support and celebrate individual contributors, including traditionally underrepresented groups like women, veterans, and active duty military spouses.
For many women and men alike, traditional law firms have become increasingly exhausting and stressful, leading to work place burn out, with many of the brightest finding themselves sticking around for the paycheck, coworkers, or the comfort of familiarity, with no real opportunities for personal or professional growth. These are not the benefits that create a lasting career. Lawyers are demanding more from their professions—fulfillment, autonomy and flexibility.
Parlatore Law Group aims to help our lawyers reach their full potential, offering control of their schedules and ability to balance professional with personal and family obligations. We believe that a positive work-place culture, results in better lawyers. We are the vanguard of change in the legal industry and we’d love for you to join us.